Occupational Therapy Tag

Children typically have started scissor cutting skills by age three snipping paper. Yet, many parents are often reluctant to start cutting due to safety concerns. Cutting can seem like such a simple task, but when I start to explain to parents all the elements involved, they start to look overwhelmed. Here are a couple things to consider to ease into...

I'm an occupational therapist with close to 20 years of experience working with parents of young children. I often get asked, “What do you recommend I buy?” First, I try to use toys and objects already in the home as much as possible. I understand that starting therapy services with your child can be overwhelming enough without having to buy...

Generally parents understand the importance of both outdoor and indoor play. Outdoor play has been shown to increase attention span while indoor play encourages more creative flow. However, when I speak with parents regarding their attempts to achieve regular playtime for their children, one of the most stated obstacles to play in general is weather. This is partly due to...

With the increased presence of technology in children’s products and toys, you may have come across the term smart toys. These are typically expensive toys containing a computerized system or technological aspect increasing its capabilities or functions. But do smart toys necessary lead to smart play? The answer depends more on how the toy is used. What is Smart Play? As an...