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I'm an occupational therapist with close to 20 years of experience working with parents of young children. I often get asked, “What do you recommend I buy?” First, I try to use toys and objects already in the home as much as possible. I understand that starting therapy services with your child can be overwhelming enough without having to buy...

As the number of children diagnosed in the United States increases each year, so does the public’s awareness of autism and its symptoms. Sensory processing problems, also referred to as “sensory issues,” are one of the most common symptoms of autism. They, however, can be experienced in children without the other criteria required for an autism diagnosis, which include communication...

February is the time of year for professing your true love, and I am not too shy to admit that one of my greatest passions is play. As a pediatric occupational therapist, I spend many hours of my week at play with children. The trunk of my car is full of games, toys, and equipment like balls and cushions. I design activities to foster skills...